..seriously, I need about another 5 hours in my day.... but then I suppose they would disappear all to quickly as well.
I have been really busy with customer quilts since before Christmas,
it is really fabulous that with all the effort and time and love that goes into making a quilt, there is faith that I will do something wonderful with it on my quilty machine, and give it back quilted, to a satisfied client... at least that's what I hope I do.
To all of you who have sent me your quilts, and some of you have sent several, I am truly humbled that you trust me so well with your precious work, so a BIG thanks to all of you.
The shop has quietened down a bit over the last few weeks, when I walked up to the post and bank today, I was taken how quiet it was in the Market Square. A few shops were looking quietish - and several were actually closed down as they do, for about 3 weeks around this time - in between the end of autumn, and the beginning of the ski season. Well, not much about in the way of snow, and certainly nowhere near enough for any ski fields to be considering opening.
Anyway, with the shop being a little quieter ( - still have website purchase to deal with daily - thanks to you guys as well for your wonderful support!!.... ) I have been trying to get a few shop samples made up, and get the rest of my year organised.
Of course, with all the dreadful aftershocks in Christchurch, and some of them have been mighty fierce... the Australian Event Managers had pulled out from the September Quilt and Craft show, and whilst another shop owner and myself were trying really hard to get something else going, it doesn't look like this will eventuate, the ground is just too shaky, and getting so many people together in one building is just too risky...
Rowing Man and I walked over the hills a few Mondays ago, what a breath of fresh air, literally. Up hill and down dale, over Flannagan's pass ...
the most breathtaking views I tell you. And a bit nippy, we were walking in the snowline, so just as well there was only a smattering. A good afternoons walk... well it did take us all day.. stopped for a bit of lunch, and then a bit later for a nice hot cuppa and some shelter from the wind.
So here are the crazy blocks that I have been working on,
these were from the weekend that I went to in Timaru about a forthnight ago,
and I will catch up with the wonderful ladies from the Timaru Patchwork Group this weekend when I attend their annual retreat at Raincliff - bliss... a whole weekend of stitching, sewing, quilting, chatting, walking.. does that sound like fun or what. Poor Rowing Man, he is on call so he has to stay put in Twizel .. who knows, he may get in a row or 2, depends on the weather, and how cold it is.
well, you have a fabulous weekend too