I visited Christchurch for the day on Friday, achieved what I set out to do, even 'tho I was very late in catching up with Deb,
she surprised me with an early birthday present, she is so super organised, isn't it just really really lovely, I just love to to pieces - not literally of course.
and I have just the perfect place for it right here,
these shorts were made for a friend of mine who works for Cadbury's NZ, they have some kind of sports come charity event on the week after next, nation wide, and she asked me to make several of these up for her, she actually asked me weeks ago and I should not have left it to the 11th hour, but then I am not nearly as organised as Miss Deb is,
best laid plans 'n' all, so I spent yesterday (and some of this morning) sewing 6 shorts and 4 skirts, when I would really rather have been sewing/stitching on a particular quilt project for the Spring Sewing Party organised by Kelly...
and here they all are, all ready to be sent of,
Now I am off to look at what everyone else has been up to for yesterday's spring stitch along!
If you want to look pop over here for a list of all the participants, and see some really wonderful inspirational results!
..and then I have some hand stitching to finish off that I should have finished off last night,
I hope you all had a brilliant weekend
so this is the rest of the stitching that I managed last night for the Spring Sewing Party, now I know that technically it is not sewing, but there is good reason - sure!
Rowing Man was on call this weekend, and he got called out to 2 motor vehicle accidents last evening, (fairly minor thankfully, and no big injuries), one on the Mt Cook Rd, and the other not far from Tekapo. Now you might think that would give me ample alone time to get my sewing machine cranking along,
The thing is we also had a friend for tea, so it was just not friendly to sit at the sewing machine, so you know the whole idle hands thing, after dinner, I stitched while we chatted and had a wine,
catch ya later!
Valentines Day Sewing Projects
9 hours ago