well if anyone had told me that this is the life that I would be living I seriously would have laughed at them,
this week has certainly been one of trials and tribulations, and I am here to tell the story, (actually that is probably not that true in the greater sense of stuff, but it sounds like it will make a good line...)
We have had no phone all week, and broadband working some of the time,
twice I have had to wait for the water pipes to defrost before I could shower
most days it has been -3C and no sun until Thursday, and no fire,
it is too cold to get up early (I wake at 6am)
hoar frosts are lovely when someone else is living with them,
washing has been strewn all around my lounge so it will dry and we will have clean clothes
I need to move at least 3-4 things before I can get to the item that I originally wanted, sometimes I forget what it is that I was getting in the first place
You wouldn't think that you could lose things in a small house, but I cannot find my sunglasses or my warm leather gloves
While the builders are working hard, they still seem to be taking an immeasurably long time; no they are not slow I am impatient. (and then we will leave our newish home and move to an old crappy one)
So words like tolerance, patience, humour, humility, well yes they are just words after all.
But, I live in a really beautiful place, and I wouldn't swap it for all the tea in China
Life is sweet!
p.s. I have learned to get up early and make a cup a tea, and take it back to bed and read my book or catch up on e-mails
I have learned to leisurely enjoy long hot showers in the middle of the day
I enjoy long walks no matter what the weather
I enjoy baking hot scones for the builders, and I enjoy their company and bloke chatter
If I am out walking (or running) I can't see the washing
I have found another pair of gloves....
BUT, the very best bestest bit, is that I will have my very own real life quilt shop - The Rowan Tree
How wonderful is that then, I get to live the dream!!!