I love this time of year, time for reflection, remembering, tidying, sorting, planning, plotting, ...
I haven't been doing much blogging, or even that much commenting on blogs, but I have been reading, and slowly catching up on all the Christmas and New Year adventures that you have all had, some quiet, some rowdy, some filled with family and friends, some holidaying, some playing...
I have been trolling in blog-land, and YouTube, ... pretty much every morning this past week, I have spent some time just cruising before my morning walk. Rowing Man gets up and heads off for his early morning exercise about 5.30am, and I cuddle up in bed with a cuppa, Ellie and my laptop - yeh I know sounds boring - but when I gave it some thought, not a lot different from lying in bed reading really - then I started feeling better about
wasting my time relaxing and taking a few breaths and really got into it. And it is so nice to have Ellie all cuddled up and sleeping beside me whilst I do this. See I just can't move and wake her... a little growing puppy neeeeds her sleep now huh.. I have even checked out Etsy this morning.. a site that I have not previously explored - my oh my, some very clever creative people out there!
But ~ the YouTube clips that I have watched - oh boy, how addictive! .. and you can watch a YouTube on pretty much anything at all from how to.... to how not to... to... well, anything, and I mean everything. It's a bit like Google - you just type in words and see what comes up ABSOLUTELY FASCINATING!
So, laptop and cuppa at hand, I have found a whole heap of inspirational sites, here are just a few that I have been on this morning:
even if you are not on holiday it is still possible to feel in holiday mode, so spend some time on you and go check 'em out.. (then I won't feel quite so slothful either - and we can be partners in crime.. or blog stalking, internet trolling... or whatever..)
what a great way to start a new year ~ welcome to 2012!
where are you heading then...