Friday, October 1, 2010

the post that wasn't...

 well blogger is at it again, went to download my pikkies and it just won't do it, I have tried every which way and not a goer,    

off to have  a shower and come back and try again soon!!

OK so maybe this  time huh...nope and too busy to be playing around with this today, adding to my new website which is soooooooo close to launching!!!

have  a great weekend everyone and will post later!


Leanne said...

I never have problems with blogger and photos I always up load to flickr them copy and paste ....much faster.

By Hoki Quilts said...

Mmmmm, might be something in the phone lines today as Eftpos was doing dumb things earlier too. Bloody awkward whe there's a customer in front of you.

suzitee said...

Can't wait to see the new website Shiree. I've never (touch wood!!) had a problem uploading photos to blogger...I wonder what the problem is.

Abby and Stephanie said...

I feel your pain. After 3 days of constant trying I finally got my pics loaded.

Ava Bryan said...

Lovely blog you hhave