Our own Miss D has been profiled in the latest issue of New Zealand Quilter quarterly magazine, so if you get a copy or know of someone who does, it is a must check out! What a privilege huh..
I have managed some good finishes this month, "tis the season" sat around for several weeks, and I have finally attached the binding and added this quilt to the finished list, it is looking pretty darn good if I do say so myself..
and this quilt managed to get quilted and bound as well, this one has been sitting around for a long time now, so it is great to get it finished..
these came out of their hiding place this week, and I am currently contemplating just what I might do with them..
I recently bought some HP tansfer paper so I would quite like to have a play with some vintage type pictures and see what happens, particularly with those very delicate and pretty looking ones that have a solid fabric centre and nice lacy edges
I finished the crazy quilt block from here, and it is ready to hang somewhere, once I find some wall space,
and I also finished the red, black and white crazy patch block,
I love the way this has a real modern funky twist, so I have cut out 2 more blocks, and plan on having a wall quilt of 4 blocks and border with some really super fabric that is sitting in the shop, and I have been eyeing up over the last week, and it gives me a bit of hand stitching at night time in front of the fire, great on these rather chilly nights,
and then I have cut out these hexagons, I coaxed a friend to join the Vignette Hexagon Quilt, and then dragged the chain myself, so finally I am getting them started, I decided to use a kiwiana jelly roll, so it will be really interesting to see what effect these have. I am, quite undecided at this stage if I will use the same set of hexies around a different central hexie, or just use them randomly, hmmm......
Can I leave you with these photos, I spent the day in Timaru on Thursday, had a coffee and catch up with a wonderful friend, and then on the way back to Twizel, I snapped these just in dusk.. rewind that thought! ...I cannot find the jolly photos, and I don't have the time anymore to muck around sorting out blogger, I am not even sure that the photos I have posted today are all going to show up and in the right places, I have played around with Picassa,, and several other ways, I know many of you are having similar issues... photos are not always showing up on others blogs either... very frustrating huh! Show you the photos another day maybe...
Happy stitching!
Will have to look out for that mag! Love all that you are working on.
love the hexagons. Your tts does look fantastic.
Did have some issues seeing your pics. I had the same issues awhile ago but I can't remember how I fixed it!
Well bugger me, I didn't know I was in the NZ Quilter mag. Can you scan it and send it to me via email so I can read what they say?
I could even autograph it and send it back for you, you never know it could be worth something in many many many years-lol. Loving those gorgeous lace linens Shiree, so feminine and beautiful.
NZ Quilter hasn't arrived here yet, I hope it comes soon so I can read up on our celebratiy ; ))
Those lacey doilies look motivating sweetie and your Xmas SAL looks really cheerful too.
Nothing quite like the feeling of finishing a project, especially one that has sat around for a while! Your TTS looks great...must do a bit more on mine soon too...would soooo love to finish it!
Well done you!!!
Just keep making those hexies and then start playing.
I am sure you will make them look fabulous.
Hae a great week
Check page 25 of NZ Quilter - there's one of mine - you know 2 famous people now!
congrats to Deb........
wow your Tis the Season looks great........thanks for being part of the SAL...........don't forget to show the girls on the SAL too......
wow, lots of fantastic work, can't wait to see how your hexies are going...I am loving mine!!
Oh girl your quilts are so gorgeous - and I LOVE those crazy quilt blocks, especially the black, white and red! It kind of has a Japanese feel to it. Beautiful. Your hexagons are lovely...and I can't wait to see what you do with those doilies!
Some great finishes there. And congrats to Debs. I'll look out for that magazine, though I don't often see it here.
Blogger does seem to be having problems at the moment. I see most of your pictures, I think!
Hello Shiree,
Looking forward to seeing what you do with those lovely doileys. Congrats on your finishes.
Happy days.
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